Founded in 1954, Astrid Fiskexport brings forth a long and rich history centered around fresh quality fish. At the core of its legacy is the relentless pursuit of delivering high-quality herrings and sprats to customers around the world – especially those in Europe. This aligns seamlessly with Werner Larsson's commitment to uncompromising quality and customer satisfaction, irrespective of geographical boundaries.
Since the acquisition in 2021, Werner Larsson has expanded its offerings by delivering fresh, frozen, and seasoned sprats to both existing and new customers. This addition to the product line is a direct result of the time-honoured expertise gained through the integration of Astrid Fiskexport.
Werner Larsson understands the value of close relationships, especially in the world of fishing. The close ties to Astrid Fiskeri A/S and its boats have been further strengthened through the acquisition of Astrid Fiskexport – ensuring not only the continuation of the catching of fresh quality fish but also the flourishing of a strong connection that spans generations.